About Me

My name is Becky Barnhart and I am addicted to movies and television. Sometimes it's a bit of a problem, I have a raging Law and Order addiction with no end in sight, but for the most part I find and consume witty, dramatic, engaging, smart and clever bits of entertainment. The best movies and television can tell a tale as well as the finest novels; I want to reward those types of works with all the praise they deserve.

For this blog I am applying my historian training to my true passion; movie, television and pop culture criticism. This is a new venture for me but I am certain I can inform and entertain. I will be over-analyzing all movies: cult classics, B horror, summer blockbusters, indie quirk, and whatever weird film has my attention at the moment. I will discuss television but my goal for that is to put out longer and more in-depth columns about specific series. I will also put out regular updates with links, previews and pop culture and movie news that catch my attention and I feel like sharing.

Basically, I think way too much about the stuff I watch and this is my place to share those thoughts.