Friday, February 19, 2010

Links I Like: Combining the Male and Female Acting Categories

I'm not sure I have an opinion on this, but this piece from NPR raises some interesting thoughts. Does a post-feminism world make this the next step? Or are these characters and roles so different they need to be judged differently. Opinions?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pop Culture News: Oscar Speech Changes

According to Rueters, there will be some changes to the Academy Awards acceptance speeches this year. Winners are being asked to save their thank-yous for a back-stage camera. The organizers are requesting the winner take this opportunity to "share your passion on what the Oscar means to you.

So, will they become pedantic and overwrought? Can they be any worse than a laundry list of agents and producers we've never heard of? Or are the true personalities of some of these people going to shine? Can we look forward to more Sally Field, Roberto Benigni and Jack Palance-style acceptance speeches? (I hope so!) Greatest fear? That this becomes a sounding board for every cause and political leaning of every uninformed celebrity who thinks their fame means their opinions are sacrosanct.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Links I Like: Famous Directors' Takes on the Super Bowl

In honor of Super Bowl Sunday. I particularly like the Wes Anderson and Herzog ones.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2010 Oscar predictions

After this year’s Golden Globes I am terrified to try and predict the Oscars. The last hour of the show saw every award go to upsets and generally unimpressive nominees. With the Academy voters skewing even older and more conservative, I have no idea what to expect.

But I’m willing to take a shot anyway.