Friday, May 28, 2010

An Announcement for all the Ladies

Well, now that the Sex and the City sequel is polarizing critics and audiences across the nation, I feel it is time I put in my two cents. As an unabashed lover of the show even I am terrified by the previews I've seen. But I'm going to see the movie anyway. Eventually. Why? Because the show itself still speaks truth about women, men and relationships. It is fun and breezy to watch and rewatch. Plus, I would like to get more story on the ladies, even if I have to suffer to get it. Most importantly though, these women almost feel like friends now. I know them as well as I know some of my favorite people. This may be goofy, and perhaps a bit sad, but it's also true.

In the meantime though, I am embarking on the greatest project this little corner of the internet has ever seen. I will be reviewing the entire series of Sex and the City. This won't be an episode by episode plot breakdown; I will be reviewing the series one DVD disc at a time and examining the larger themes of the show. Part one will examine the character of Carrie and her role as the show's protagonist and audience surrogate. I will discuss how the first six episodes of the show create the character, take important steps toward making her sympathetic and then set her loose, both in New York and our imaginations. All of the main characters will eventually have a piece along with other important elements of that show that contributed to what made it so successful, loved and ultimately iconic.

This should be fun.

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