Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Links I Like: Proper Hating on The Phantom Menance

Like all movie fans, I despise The Phantom Menace. But my rage has generally been relegated to "Jar Jar Binks sucks" and "Mitachlorines?" with the occasional "Did Lucas even watch the originals?" Finally though, in a mere 70 minutes, the true stupidity and lack of plot and character development has been fully articulated. This guy lays out fully, and quite cleverly, exactly why Lucas is a fucktard. Watch and enjoy!

And share! Apparently this has been around for a while and I'm a little late to the game. (Credit goes to Spencer's wife's comment on Paul's Facebook link.)


  1. Part 7 of this 7 part series of critiques also helped me understand how good editing should be judged. If the last Links I Like interested you at all, definitely check out, at the very least, the last part of this series.

  2. He's also done another one for Attack of the Clones. Very funny and incredibly correct in its assessment of the movie's flaws.
