Sunday, March 7, 2010

2010 Academy Awards: The Live-blog

12:10 OK, time to continue drinking and finish storyboarding my scene for the contest. That's right, I'm not just a critic, I'm also a creator. Thanks for reading! Stumble me, spread the word, and be sure to become an official follower!
12:01 I don't want to make it seem I hated the other movies, particular Avatar, but I just truly feel that a Best Picture is more than just pretty or revolutionary. It needs to resonate with the present and remind us of the past. The Hurt Locker does all of that. It is so much better than you think it is. I really hope all this Academy praise brings new people to this film.
11:59 So so so so so so pleased. I still was secretly pulling for District 9, but this was my little indie-that-could.
11:59 There are movie gods!
11:56 It must feel good to beat your ex-husband for a directing Oscar.
11:55 I'm soooo happy. She absolutely deserves this award. I'm glad the anti-Avatar crowd prevailed. One more award to go for them.
11:53 Ohhh, the directing award. This one is important to me.
11:52 Wine bottle #3. This is what Sandra Bullock has driven me to.
11:49 I'm crying and shaking and twitching and just generally displeased right now. Well this is the first major upset. But it's not good. Not good at all. Not good. Yuck.
11:48 Fingers crossed it's not Sandra Bullock. It's probably not, but she did win the Golden Globe.
11:44 If you skip school, you could win an Oscar! And that comes from Oprah.
11:41 Blah blah blah Sandra Bullock blah blah blah.
11:36 And it wouldn't even be Walter. John Goodman would just come out and fuck them up.
11:36 And I dare them to play The Dude off. Walter will come out there and fuck them up.
11:34 On the first time novice vs. old pro winning thing I talked about earlier--how does it apply to a true professional like Jeff Bridges winning for the first time? What's he to do? Thank a lifetime of folks who got him there or take the high road like the Academy wants?
11:33 It's so easy to make clever when Jeff Bridges is winning long overdue awards.
11:33 And the dude continues to abide. Again, I really hope that statuette really ties the room together.
11:28 It's so difficult to sit there stoically while someone, anyone, waxes complimentary about you. But how the fuck are you supposed to do that with live cameras in your face?!
11:27 I think I've already said it once, but it demands repeating. Bad hair Vera, bad hair.
11:27 How is it that George Clooney looks more boyish that ever?
11:25 I demand a night of close-ups on Jeff Bridges!
11:24 That's an interesting assortment of folks.
11:18 A clever anti-Avatar joke! If it hadn't been so heavily accented people might have laughed more.
11:17 A minor upset in the Foreign Language category! Did anyone even notice?
11:15 Oh Quentin, you're so quirky.
11:10 I keep getting reminded of how amazing The Hurt Locker is.
11:08 I love when women without stylists dress themselves. They dress like that woman editor.
11:07 I'm pretty sure I predicted Inglorious Basterds, but I'm still pleased as punch at another win for The Hurt Locker.
11:07 Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin in a snuggie. Awww.
11:06 That's right they'll never say your name at the Oscars again Tyler Perry.
11:04 Called it. I heard way too much about The Cove to think that it wouldn't win.
11:00 That ad for Modern Family made me really, really want to see that show.
10:56 Jason Bateman you say?
10:55 I've been drinking and arguing about sweating butter with my friend so I missed the category, but when I figured out it was technical I knew Avatar was going to win and that thus I had made another accurate prediction.
10:52 And it's Up. That's fine. It was a lovely score.
10:51 I think I might now want Sherlock Holmes to win for the score. Although if Fantastic Mr. Fox or Up I'm still taking credit for my prediction.
10:47 This is a little goofy, but I'm digging the Sherlock Holmes music quite a bit.
10:46 Glasses and an accent? Mmmm, I want to have all his babies.
10:45 Ohhh, the guy from Avatar wears glasses. He just became very sexy to me.
10:41 I'm sorry if I offended anyone by hating James Taylor, but I find his vanilla pap of soft-rock light music kind of irritating.
10:38 I'm irritated that they have room for a sucky musician like James Taylor but they bump video clips for a video-centric category like BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY for time reasons.
10:36 Yeah, I knew Avatar was going to win. But I was still pulling for The Hurt Locker.
10:33 Oh Jamie Oliver, if I get really fat will you come cook for me?
10:29 I would respect John Travolta more if his every appearance was as a Psychlo.
10:27 Fuck you Transformers for even getting nominated for something. Now I'm concerned the Academy feels bad for not giving The Hurt Locker Best Picture and is consoling it with every other award.
10:25 I know I predicted Avatar for both of the sound awards, but that was before I got myself learned on them. I don't know how my predictions would be changed; I'm just qualifying my probably wrong predictions.
10:24 Is it just me or does this year's Oscars have a sense of humor?
10:21 And I'm talking Pyscho, Jaws, The Exorcist, The Shining, etc.
10:19 I actually wish I were a few years older just so I could have seen all of these classic horror films before I knew so much about them and they lost their impact.
10:19 Ug, Twilight people. Twilight is not horror, it's just horror-ible! Wocka wocka wocka.
10:18 Now that was legitimately funny!
10:17 Horror movies!
10:10 This year is too easy. But I really like the winner's dress. So fun and quirky. And I like her shout-out to the non-costume drama designers.
10:10 I love Sarah Jessica Parker. And I lover her even more in Chanel.
10:08 I'm already sick of the "I see you" joke.
10:07 But it does raise my prediction average.
10:07 And the first win for Avatar.
10:05 I love you Sigourney Weaver.
10:05 Run stagehand run!
10:02 A salute to horror films you say?
10:00 I really hate how Mo'Nique is thanking Hattie McDonald (sp?) for paving the way for her to win an award she said, and I'm paraphrasing, "What good is an Oscar? I can't eat an Oscar."
9:58 As fantastic as I though Mo'Nique was, I am still irritated she's going to win because of her and her attitude.
9:57 Bad hair Vera.
9:55 Wocka wocka wocka Robin Williams.
9:51 Still agree with my thoughts on a first win and a natural desire to thank.
9:50 Wrong choice Academy. So many better options...
9:48 I would have have very much sex with Jake Gyllenhall.
9:44 I love that Coen-type of black humor. Also, I love love loved the ending of A Serious Man. It was so lyrical and lovely.
9:43 El Duderino.
9:41 I feel like I should have made some bets in Vegas.
9:40 I would have so much sex with Zachary Quinto.
9:37 After the segment about how important winning for the short is, they really shouldn't play off the winners during their speeches.
9:35 I'm back! And I only picked The New Tenants because I'm planning a move soon. To logic!
9:34 It's funny, while watching the clips I actually thought "If I had known that Music by Prudence was about music education in Africa I totally would have picked it."
9:32 His jokes are even more charming because of the accent!
9:32 If I had researched my prediction list at all, I probably would have picked Logorama just based on that brief clip.
9:30 Is it just me or are we seeing way more of these hosts than we have in years past?
9:29 I am enjoying this bit quite a bit.
9:25 Pineapple and jalapeno pizza and wine bottle #2!
9:23 Did Macaully Caulkin also get molested by John Hughes? I only ask because that sounded incredibly insincere.
9:18 I feel like thinking about what the Oscar would mean to a winner would only make the winner want to thank each and every person who got them to that spot. The laundry list of names makes a little more sense. At least for first time winners. A third time winner could maybe paraphrase that and expand onto the larger significance since I think it's less likely they would be as overwhelmed.
9:18 I thought she was an actress, that was terrible.
9:17 Blink Molly Ringwald, blink!
9:15 Award #1 for The Hurt Locker! My first loss, but that's OK.
9:14 I really want The Hurt Locker to win, but I think the screenplay award is the only chance A Serious Man has at a win.
9:13 This is actually really funny. Is it the material? Or the awesome people delivering them?
9:12 Tina Fey is rocking a hot 80s look tonight.
9:12 Two of my favorite famous-type people.
9:06 I don't know what to think about them giving away the plot of District 9. I know they need footage for the clip, but any new viewers brought to the movie because of the Oscars may not get the full impact of the movie.
9:06 I know it will never win, but I am SOOOO happy District 9 got nominated.
9:05 I think I might be 3 for 3 now. Much better than the Golden Globes.
9:04 But I will never begrudge T Bone Burnett a win.
9:03 I want Randy Newman to win but the Academy cursed him with two nods. Now the vote is split.
9:02 Those clips for The Princess and the Frog were intriguing. I really like the unexpected animation.
9:01 What's wrong with Miley Cyrus' shoulders.
9:00 These are some vaudeville era jokes. It's like that Norm MacDonald bit from that roast with all the cheesy jokes.
9:00 Laundry list of names. Hmmm...
8:59 I think I'm 2 for 2 on my predictions.
8:59 Conflicted on the animation one. Happy as hell Up won, but wanted them to win Best Picture and Fantastic Mr. Fox best animation.
8:58 And there's the Disney clip. Talking animals making broad jokes. Oh wait, that was also the Pixar clip. Yet there's a distinct quality difference.
8:57 OK Academy, nice try at making your new speech thing work.
8:56 I actually believed she was that dumb for a second before I figured out it was a joke.
8:52 That Blind Side montage made me hate a movie I've never seen even more.
8:50 Ryan Reynolds? Say wha? Oh I get it, he's here because he was once in a movie with Sandra Bullock.
8:48 And duh. Most predictable award of the night went off without a hitch.
8:47 If Christoph Waltz doesn't wind, a travesty will have been committed.
8:46 I need to see The Messenger. I heard good things and I really like movies that elucidate a tiny little corner of the world and society.
8:44 I heart red dresses. All red dresses. Well, most.
8:43 I shudder when I think of a future with Zac Efron and Taylor Were-guy hosting the Oscars.
8:42 I take back what I said earlier about better lighting inside after seeing Sandra Bullock's day-glo lipstick color.
8:41 Thank you for not laughing at that terrible Toyota joke George Clooney.
8:39 Nice reminder of why you're famous Steve Martin.
8:38 Is it just me or does Alec Baldwin look like he's wearing one of the adult diapers from Whoopi's ad under his tux?
8:34 I don't hate either of these men.
8:34 I am so pleased right now!
8:32 NPH in a sparkly tux! Squee!
8:32 NPH!
8:30 Well this is a new and odd beginning.
8:29 What would Utah have to say about that ending?
8:28 I wonder if the happy ending in The Back-Up Plan is that she miscarries and gets to have that guy's kid?
8:26 16 nominations for Meryl. That is damn impressive.
8:25 No one taught any of these teenagers posture. Fuck you Twilight guy that not the douchier of the Twilight guys.
8:23 The Dude has arrived! And he's wearing Gucci?
8:22 Miley Cyrus has the posture of a sullen teenager.
8:22 Miley Cyrus has mastered comedy? When did this happen?
8:21 This douchy guy reminds Tina Fey and Steve Carrell that this isn't the Emmys, but no one stopped the Twilight people at the door.
8:21 And the nerds are bringing in the results.
8:19 Whoopi?! What the hell was that?
8:17 Who invites the Twilight people to these things?
8:15 I love SJP's dress! I don't care that no one else loves her. I do.
8:13 That list of film's I've never heard of shows me how little we'll remember of the ten nominees this year.
8:11 Is it just me, or is it harder to judge the dresses in the sunlight? I feel like they're meant to be seen in the dimmer lighting of indoors.
8:09 And wine bottle #1 is open.
8:07 That Oompa Loompa needs to fire his stylist.
8:06 And she thinks she's so funny. Yuck. And Zac Efron? What has happened to the quality of our movie stars?
8:06 I just don't like Sandra Bullock.
8:04 An Oscar countdown counter. Phew. Especially since I've forgotten how to use a clock.
8:02 Love some Maggie Gyllenhall. Hate trying to spell her name.
8:01 Kathy Ireland has work?!
7:59 I really thought these started earlier. I mean, if they want them to end earlier they should do that!


  1. this is awesome, becky b.!! loving your commentary. (:

    kisses from laura bandy!

  2. Can you say why The Hurt Locker is called so?
    We have some puzzling translation of the title.
    Thank you.

  3. There seems to be several different theories of what the title could mean. Several reviewers seem to think it's the box where Will James keeps all the detonators that might have killed him. Jeremy Renner was quoted in NY Magazine as saying that the title of film “took on different meanings” over the course of the shoot. At first, it represented the threat of death and he thought of it as “a casket.” Later on, he says, it “became a physical place, because we had one outhouse for 250 people, and we were all getting sick: I’d say, ‘I have to go to the hurt locker.’ ” Finally, it became “this spiritual place of anguish,” he says. “It was 125 degrees, the bomb suit was 100 pounds. By the end, we were completely stripped of our dignity and self-respect.” After returning to California, he says, “I was in a kind of spiritual hurt locker for three months.” Several commentators on Yahoo Answers, not exactly the finest bastion of reason and intelligence out there but a nice resource and a heck of a laugh at time, who say they were in the service claim it is military slang for tough times. I haven't been able to find anything from the writer or director so I can't say for sure what the intended meaning is but I kind of like the ambiguity of it.

  4. It's easy to watch, it's serious,and it has really good humor. It gives the feeling of war, like a spiritual portrait of this feeling.I don't know how Oscar rewards are given and why, never meant much to me. The end is a bit strange, like a puzzle. Important- it's a picture, not a photo (veterans' comments). Ambiquity is a good word, maybe, it is how I feel about it. I think, there is no exact meaning at all. The same as color can mean emotion or even be tied up to some event of a person, this word combination can cause complex feeling. Just, what this film is about. Then it will be easy with the title. Do you remember how the title influenced you before you watched the film for the first time? Also, you didn't give your idea, I think it is what you need in your notes. But your comment was important for me, I want to thank you again.

  5. I remember the first time I saw the movie I thought The Hurt Locker referred to the box containing the uniform, cap and flag of the sergeant who died in the very beginning of the film. I now realize that this is not right, but it only reinforces the ambiguity of the phrase and how it allows the viewers to form their own interpretation of the events on the screen; this is a hallmark of a great film.
