Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Intriguing Preview Corner: Dogtooth

Well, I'm not really sure what to think of this preview, but it certainly fits the word Intriguing.



Gonna go see it?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sex and the City, Part One: Carrie the Protagonist

Regardless of your opinion of Sex and the City, there is no denying its cultural impact at the turn of the century. This writer happens to love the show and has decided to devote this corner of teh interwebz to discussing the larger themes that made the show unique and quite clever in its prime. I have seen this series many times over and it is time to put that obsessive knowledge to good use. I will be talking about the entire series, one DVD disc at a time. I welcome comments and discussion, provided it is more intelligent and thought-out than "Those women are ugly" and "Sarah Jessica Parker has a horse face." I will delete you so fast you won't even be certain you left a comment. I love this show and have written this column not to convert you; only to celebrate that which I enjoy. This piece covers Season 1, episodes 1-6.

How does a writer draw a casual reader or viewer into the realm of fantasy? How does someone relate to a world in which they will never dwell? They need a character just like them, someone to whom they can relate. They need a sympathetic protagonist. A relatable main character is the single most important facet of good fantasy. And Sex and the City is good fantasy. This is a series set in a fantasy version of New York; a world of clubs, clothes and wealthy men likely to never be experienced first-hand by the show’s legion of fans. This world could be off-putting due to the very nature of its inaccessibility and decadence. Carrie Bradshaw spends on a pair of shoes what some spend on a month’s rent. Yet women consistently rank her as the character most like them. This dichotomy is arguably the reason for the show’s success. The balance Carrie manages between fairy tale lifestyle and audience surrogate is the key to this particular fantasy’s popularity.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pop Culture News: The Internet Uprising over Toy Story 3's Rotten Tomato Ranking

Oh Armond White, the grand master of being contrary. His review of Toy Story 3, besides claiming that "Transformers 2 already explored the same plot to greater thrill and opulence," has kept the otherwise well-received movie from a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes. This in turn has held the beloved Pixar franchise back from being the only trilogy to have earned three 100% ratings. (I especially enjoy Roger Ebert's very prescient Tweet.)

Come on Mr. White, at least keep Transformers 2 out of this!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Links I Like: A Hell of an Essay on Television Today

As always, the AV Club has put out another piece that made me really stop and think. This one talks about the past and present of television and how our viewing habits have changed and/or lagged when it comes to keeping up with them. I found this piece particularly engaging because I saw a lot of myself in it; serialized television is definitely my bread and butter-my raging Law and Order addiction aside. I love reading about the stuff I watch as much as I enjoy writing about it and this piece also includes a laundry list of prominent critics everyone should check out.

It also got me thinking; I would love a writing partner for occasional pieces that mimic this one's format. Do you love or hate the stuff on TV and in the theatres? If it's not you, does someone you know feel that strongly? Do either of you want to write? Email me and we'll talk. This is all just tiny little zygotes in my brain at the moment, but I would love another voice to bounce ideas off of from time to time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Movie Things I Hate: The Poster for Killers

I walk by this stupid poster every day in the subway and every time I see it I am compelled to stab things.

I don't think a tiny image on your laptop screen does the awfulness of this picture any justice. You should really try to stand 2 feet away from it with it's terribleness just as tall as you. There are so many thing to hate in it; the idiotic looks on their faces, the way she is holding the gun as if it were a dirty diaper, Ashton Kutcher's clear confusion, the ridiculous graphic design student aesthethic of the superscript dot--I hates it all so much!

I know none of this blog's fans would never dream of seeing this movie; just in case I implore the world to not only avoid the waste of space at all costs but to also tell all their friends how terrible this movie MUST be.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Parallel Lines, the Finished Product

Back in March I brought an interesting preview to your attention. Philips, the electronic company, sponsored a short-film contest. The catch was all the submissions had to follow the same script. Well, the results are out and I have to say the films are all very cool. Go check them all out. My personal favorite is the animated one, although the hunters are a very close second. All of them are incredibly unique and have a voice of their own, even if those voices are all saying the same lines.

If this is the future of advertising I might actually support it.

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I think this blog is officially in the 21st century now!