Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Movie Things I Hate: The Poster for Killers

I walk by this stupid poster every day in the subway and every time I see it I am compelled to stab things.

I don't think a tiny image on your laptop screen does the awfulness of this picture any justice. You should really try to stand 2 feet away from it with it's terribleness just as tall as you. There are so many thing to hate in it; the idiotic looks on their faces, the way she is holding the gun as if it were a dirty diaper, Ashton Kutcher's clear confusion, the ridiculous graphic design student aesthethic of the superscript dot--I hates it all so much!

I know none of this blog's fans would never dream of seeing this movie; just in case I implore the world to not only avoid the waste of space at all costs but to also tell all their friends how terrible this movie MUST be.


  1. I have also seen the life size cutout of this and at the time I said to my sister, "this literally makes me want to kill someone".
