Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Intriguing Preview Corner: Dogtooth

Well, I'm not really sure what to think of this preview, but it certainly fits the word Intriguing.



Gonna go see it?


  1. Great article with the director over at the AV Club. http://www.avclub.com/articles/dogtooth-director-giorgos-lanthimos,42525/ Makes it make a bit more sense while still raising the level of intrigue I have in it.

  2. Interesing, I'll keep it in mind, thank you. There is something of Naked Lunch ideas in it (I mean the Boston trial answers, not the book itself), but in general the film is a comedy, as the director presents it - so, he tries to bring these ideas to the audience in a better way through a joke. After all, lost codes remind of absurdity theatre, when it is used with social values it is a good way to tell something important. But it is necessary to watch the film before making final conclusions.
    May I ask you a question? There is a song in the end of the Paranoid Park. They wrote it is The Stongest Man in the World, but the lyrics is completely different from what I've found. And the song sounds good. Do you know anything about this song? Just a hint that helps find it. Thank you.

  3. Is this the song the you're looking for?


  4. No, I know Elliot Smith and his songs. A good choice of Van Sant, to my mind. In the very end of the Paranoid Park some old man is singing a kind of a country song, I'm so bad in English that I couldn't read all of it, just partially, something like "there is time to run and there is time to stay,.. the sun was high and the wells were dry,.." also something about crossing the desert, and the song ends with "he died like a man" repeated three times. I like the way he sings, it's interesting to find what he says between the words of the song. He reminds a bit of that old man from the Golden Compass, especially when he appears there meeting Lyra. Just that. Even if it's boring to answer, maybe the song itself will be interesting for you. I also like credits a lot - just guessing the role of this or that person in making of a film. I believe that absolutely every mentioned person there is important, the same as every stroke in the painting. Anything wrong spoils the whole.

  5. I found it for you! The song is Outlaw by Cast King. http://s0.ilike.com/play#Cast+King:Outlaw:726952:s48953333.12301479.22171571.0.2.210%2Cstd_a2724b27678443c2aeb4109846827ffc I've never heard it before but I already love this song. Thanks for helping to make me aware of it.

    And I completely agree with you about the end credits. I always watch them to the end. Partly just in case there's bonus footage but mostly out of respect to all the people who put in time, energy and a little bit of their heart and soul into making the film I just enjoyed.

    Thanks for checking out my blog! Where do you live? And how did you become aware of it?

    Thanks for the support! And spread the word!

  6. Amazing :) Thank you. Ukraine - that's where I live. I'm not a man of golden word, so it's better to read and think. I found your blog roaming along the blogs here, as I remember, just looking through people that like Natalie Merchant songs. Kids don't look forward, pleasant things make us happy, unpleasant - stronger. When you get a present it feels like being a child. Thank you.

  7. I want to add, that it is with your help that I began to understand what is Eliott Smith and his songs, their meaning. It's difficult for me, and I saw that sometimes his lyrics is difficult even for his US funs. For example, I don't feel anything suisidal in Tomorrow. By the way, here are two youtube posts that told me something good about Elliott:
    I've been thinking about you, you know, I want you to take a look at our present-day movie culture, at least to know how you feel about the things I particularly like. As you mentioned the Hurtlocker, The War by Balabanov came to mind, it was made in 2002, but I'm still sure this film is the best piece of art that describes Russia of our times. It's not a matter of violence (I saw films about Bosnia war) or local colour, just a good portrait of those times. I particularly like the final scene in the movie, with the song by Vyacheslav Butusov (My Star)- the end is very moving.
    If you want, you can take a look at it, maybe you will feel the air of the whole.
    Maybe, it is just my inclination to gloomy pieces, whatever, I'm sure it's a real thing, and I will dare to say, that I've got some taste in Arts. I like to translate, so, if you feel like knowing the meaning of the song, I'll try to render it. I know that meaning makes a lot.
    Best wishes to you.
