Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 Golden Globes: The 2011 Live-Blog

10:00-And it's done. Thank God. I'm trashed. Big upset in the finish. I'll talk about it later.
9:58-And they're not over time. Why did they play him off?
9:57-First playing off the stage we've had in hours.
9:56-I feel like I should have known after this movie won for Best Director.
9:55-Did fire just come out of Michael Douglas' mouth? And it's an upset! To me! But I don't mind because this movie was great!
9:48-The lawyer and I disagreeing about hats on men. I think it is always a classic and appropriate look. And I forget what his argument is, but it's not as good as mine.
9:47-Playing the math, I called it again. I think I'm not liking how accurate I am.
9:46-Bangs are not a good look for her.

9:42-I really want to rewatch that entire last segment, from Natalie Portman's speech up until this commercial break. The boys, and the booze, are quite distracting.
9:40-Even Tim Allen knew the rest of the categories were filler.
9:34-I really wish Jennifer Lawrence had gotten recognized just because she really fucking deserves it, but Natalie Portman absolutely deserves it.
9:33-And The Dude takes the stage.
9:32-JGL is indeed smoking hot.
9:28-And apparently Mila Kunis and Emma Stone are BFFs because I just saw being super cute and jumpy together,
9:25-Halle Berry looks kinda slutty. Which is a shame because she is so classically gorgeous she could wear anything. But that dress makes it look likes she is trying too hard.
9:24-Alicia Keys may have well come out in a muumuu as well as that dress fits her.
9:19-I still say Community should have that award. Best. Grumble. Goddamn. Grumble. Show on Tv. Grumble.
9:17-That is some wanna-be The Fifth Element style shit January Jones has going on there.
9:17-I just had my first James Franco sighting. And damn, does he look good.
9:15-Mini upset. But I really liked that movie so I am not upset.
9:14-The Tourist is neither a comedy nor a musical! Was there a dream sequence where they busted out in song that we don't remember?
9:13-They invited a porn star!
9:08-I am loving DeNiro's speech!
9:07-They just edited out a long string of words.
9:06-I just want to mention again that Anne Hathaway is rocking a dress that should be tacky but looks effortless on her.
9:03-They're actually touching on the bullshit movies in his career! I don't know what this means but it is certainly unexpected!
9:01-If DeNiro had died in 2002 he would remembered as a god amongst men. Now he has hat Fockers legacy albatrossing itself around his neck.
9:00-I saw Angelina Jolie putting on lip gloss! That proves her lips aren't perfectly glossy all the time!
8:53-I think I now have a crush on Melissa Leo now. She is absolutely charming.
8:53-Kyra Sedgwick just looked sooo cute with her head on Kevin Bacon's shoulder.
8:51-I kinda sorta called this one too. I loved her- in Treme so I'm pleased as punch she won. And she is way prettier in person than I've ever seen her on the screen. Kudos to her!
8:48-This is ridiculous that I am calling it all. I'm no expert so if I can call it then it is way too predictable. But I figured out who she is and her dress is still really awesome.
8:48-I don't who she is but her dress is super cute.
8:46-Jane Fonda some really expensive work done. (In cynic speak, that means she looks really look good.)
8:43-Pitt and I talking about the Bechdel Test and Aaron Sorkin's speech. I find it curious, yet still sincere, that he gave such a shout-out to women.
8:41-And even though the crowd cheered louder for Tina Fey, my preference for the win, Laura Linney still won, my prediction. This ceremony is almost ridiculously predictable.
8:40-Vanessa Williams looks like a sausage in that dress. Which is a shame because he's not heavy. It's just the wrong dress for her.
8:39-And we've decided you don't fuck Helen Mirren, she fucks you.
8:38-I'm surprised they haven't played her off yet. I guess Buscemi had an impact.
8:36-Ricky Gervais is looking good in a vest. And making good points about Americans and foreign films. And I would fuck Olivia Wilde.
8:30-I'm really digging my watching experience, but this has been way too predictable a watching experience. And yeah to Jane Lynch winning!
8:29-Smart girls do have more fun!!!! What a great speech...
8:27-Man, I am on fire tonight! And Aaron Sorkin really deserves this award.
8:26-I'm enjoying Steve Carrell and Tina Fey together. Very much.
8:25-I want to be hearing what Ricky Gervais is saying but the boys are talking about scotch very loudly.
8:24-Zac Efron? Hmmm....
8:23-Who is this dapper gentleman?
8:20-And Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler are in a movie together. A very generic looking movie with a very generic name.
8:18-And that weird looking person is THE Temple Grandin.
8:17-Who was that?! And she mentioned the music so either it will completely keep it bay or remind it that it exists and suddenly people will start getting played off again.
8:16-Jennifer Love Hewitt looks really cheap tonight too. Yuck. And hey, I kinda predicted this one too!
8:15-They're giving people more time. I'm just going to arbitrarily assume it was because of Buscemi's comment so kudos to him for that!
8:14-I guess I didn't realize that Al Pacino was playing Kevorkian in the mini-series. From the stills I saw I never would have guessed it. So I guess it was a remarkable transformation.
8:12-Damn it. I was actually really hoping Idris Elba would win.
8:11-Stringer Bell in 2012!
8:03-So far I am hitting them out of the park. Which means this is a really boring and predictable ceremony so these celebrities better start drinking hard.
8:01-Anne Hathaway looks good. And Emma Stone is really really blond. She looks much better as a redhead. And I"m really digging this Robert Downey Jr. opening. I wish I was one of those five women...
8:00-And I once again in love with Ricky Gervais.
7:59-And fuck you Armond White!
7:57-Toy Story 3 wins. So deserved. Pixar deserves every wonderful thing because they never compromise story and character.
7:55-The girl from True Grit. She's so lovely and she was so convincing in that movie I love her.
7:54-Fuck you Happy Meals.
7:51-When did Trent Reznor get such a chiseled jawline?
7:50-The boys are really excited that Trent Reznor won. I concur as well. And he looks clean cut as hell.
7:48-Let's play this person off.
7:47-I feel like a song sung by Cher call "You Haven't Seen The Last of Me" should be a little more visceral sounding. And she won so I called it again.
7:46-I don't know. I'm starting to rethink that dress.
7:45-J-Lo, your dress is a fail!
7:39-Why is Mark Wahlberg on the stage with the Boardwalk Empire people?
7:38-And I so wanted The Walking Dead to win, but my prediction streak continues.
7:37-Mentioning the music keeps it at bay.
7:35-I told you Buscemi would take it as the one new candidate in a field of former winners. Whether or not he was the best choice is irrelevant; there is a way before prefer to vote and it is for the new guy when all the other candidates have won so many awards. And nice shout out to the table and comment on the
sad music." I want to be at his table.
7:33-What the hell is wrong with Kevin Bacon's face?
7:32-Eva Longoria's prettiness in completely contingent on her make-up.
7:31-Why is Eva Longoria even here. And her boobs look drawn on.
7:30-That color is fantastic on Michelle Pfeiffer. Yeah, I spelled her name wrong. I think that means th booze is kicking in.
7:25-There was some crazy bug-eyed lady behind Jane Lynch. And it's Charlie from Heroes!
7:24-Pitt wants the kid from Glee to win. And Pitt was right!
7:23-Leighton Meister just walked like she was struggling to keep her dress from shimmying up above her snatch.
7:22-That Ashton Kutcher's dad joke was pretty awesome.
7:20-They have now played off every winner. What the fuck is with the time concerns tonight Golden Globes?!?!
7:18-I did concede that I didn't show shit about the mini-series category. So kudos to Carlos fir their win.
7:17-Julianne Moore is wearing a really ill-fitting dress.
7:14-They are trying to keep this show short tonight.
7:12-And Leela wins the Golden Globe! She has aged really well.
7:11-Katey Segal looks amazing tonight!
7:11-They killed his mic! Don't they know he'll kill them all?
7:09-And I'm sort of surprised that this is what Christian Bale sounds like in real life. He always does an accent. And his real voice is super hot. And they playing off the first winner? Fail!
7:09-My first correct prediction at that!
7:07-I like Geoffrey Rush's hat. And Christian Bale wins! I support that.
7:07-I want Christian Bale to always have that hair and beard.
7:06-Oh Ricky...
7:03-Yes, let's tease SATC2!!!! That movie sucked!
7:01-I support Ricky Gervais telling jokes while drinking.
7:00-So the quirky British red carpet corespondent was doing the old school NBC sign-off. And I really liked her pretty demure dress.
6:59-Finally. Awards!
6:55-To see why I keep talking about how hot 13 looks, click here.
6:53-Show Olivia Wilde again! She looks super smoking hot. And they didn't because they're having some weird technical issues.
6:51-Robert Downey Jr. is chillaxing in a gray suit with a red tie. And he looks good.
6:45-Michelle Williams kind of looks like a train wreck and I'm not sure I can put my finger on what it is about her.
6:44-Oh my good, Christian Bale looks goooood. I really like them shaggy.
6:43-Claire Danes may be the hottest she's ever been right now.
6:41-The lawyer and I agree that pocket squares are a great look on men.
6:40-I adore Helen Mirren's dress. It's classy but still sexy. And she can show cleavage, even at her age, and look nothing but fabulous.
6:39-I hear The Cape is really terrible, but in a really awesome way. I think I'm going to start watching it.
6:36-Hot heavily accented woman in red that I have never heard of.
6:34-I hate Halle Berry's dress.
6:33-He just read that I mentioned his opinion on the lapels. He wants me to note that the fact that tux was navy is more important than the lapels.
6:32-Who the hell is Randi Zuckerberg? Should I know about her?
6:31-The lawyer has an opinion on Robert Pattinson's wide lapels. I did not pick on them.
6:30-I also love Amy Adams. There are some of my favorite starlets here tonight.
6:29-January Jones has such an unmemorable face.
6:29-Jane Lynch is another one I lobe. And Scarlett Johanssen looks boring. She doesn't really ever look boring so I'm not sure what that means.
6:28-Wanna talk about a real person? Tina Fey is chattering maniacally just like I would if they were to ever interview me.
6:27-Tina Fey!!!! I love you so much!!!!
6:22-The shoulder pads on Anglina Jolie's dress are making me angry. The lawyer and I are disagreeing on the dress. I think it makes her look old and he thinks otherwise. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
6:21-Steve Buscemi and his wife look really people and we've decided we want to sit at their table.
6:21-I think I hate those stupid purple glasses.
6:19-Christina Aguilera looks like a fucking stripper. How is it possible for someone to look so cheap in such an expensive dress?
6:19-Um, beards are hot lady. What the fuck is your problem?
6:18-I used to have a huge crush on Jake Gyllenhal but he's getting douchier as he gets older.
6:17-I am loving the bow tie look on men!
6:16-Ryan Kwanten is wearing a velvet bow tie. I want him even more now.
6:15-Since everyone failed to recognize Jesse Eisneberg's gret work in Zombieland I'm very glad they recognized him in The Social Network.
6:09-Everyone has bangs now. But yet Sandra Bulloxk manages to look older with them which is just weird.
6:08-Helena Bonham Carter always looks so crazy and for that I adore her.
6:06-Alec Baldwin took control of that interview and thus it does not suck.
6:04-Olivia Wilde's dress is gorgeous and she looks so good with bangs. But these interviews are awkward and weird.
6:03-Ricky Gervais' interview thing was awkward. But Natalie Portman looks absolutely stunning!
6:02-Ahhh! Ricky Gervais! And he's wearing Ray Bans!
6:01-Carson Daly is still working?

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