Sunday, February 27, 2011

2011 Academy Awards: The Live-Blog

2011 Academy Awards Predictions

Best Picture:
127 Hours
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone

This is a tight one between Black Swan, The Social Network and The King’s Speech. They each have a lot of momentum as they come into this final race of the award’s season. Personally, my giant boner for Winter’s Bone has me pulling for it. That movie really deserves it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 Independent Spirit Awards: The Live-Blog

Friday, February 25, 2011

2011 Independent Spirits Awards Predictions

127 Hours
Black Swan
The Kids Are All Right
Winter’s Bone

Despite having never seen Greenberg, I’m still a little surprised to see it here. Did the category need a little padding? I heard aight things about it, but they were just aight, nothing great or spectacular enough to warrant a nomination for the Best Feature. I still think I personally preferred Black Swan for its overall effect, but if there was ever a time and a place for Winter’s Bone to win this is it. It’s too quiet and still of a movie to win the big awards so I would love to see it get recognized here.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2011 Grammys: The Live-Blog

10:27 Well, I'm never live-blogging the Grammys again. At least not sober anyway.
10:25 Win Butler looks so happy!
10:25 More Arcade Fire is always a good thing. Oh, and I really like this song too!
10:24 Lots of small technical glitches tonight.
10:23 This is pretty freaking awesome actually. Almost makes suffering through this worth it!
10:23 So much terrible music nominated. And Arcade Fire wins! Yes!
10:22 What we've all been waiting for? The end!
10:21 Hey Dodge, it's just snow no matter what you're driving. Fuck off for that ad.
10:19 Longest commercial break ever